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(Basic Data Analytics & Reporting) United States Accident Prevention 2021

Project type

Analysis and Recommendation


July 2023


United States


Group Leader

In my capacity as the group leader of a dynamic team of six skilled Data Analysts, we undertook a mission of paramount importance: creating the United States Accident Prevention 2021 project for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This initiative involved a fusion of analytical acumen, collaborative synergy, and creative visualization, aimed at enhancing road safety across the nation.

Our journey commenced with utilizing SQL as a formidable data cleaner, filter, and gatherer. We adeptly transformed raw accident data into a polished, consistent dataset. With strategic data cleaning techniques, we eradicated inconsistencies, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our data. Leveraging SQL's powerful querying capabilities, we efficiently filtered and extracted relevant information, illuminating patterns and trends that underlined accident causes and contributing factors.

Google Spreadsheets emerged as our platform for seamless teamwork and data sharing. As the group leader, I orchestrated collaborative efforts, ensuring that each team member could contribute their expertise in real time. This real-time collaboration streamlined our progress and ensured the dataset's integrity, as we collectively refined and enriched it.

Figma, our chosen design platform, played an instrumental role in translating data insights into visually engaging and impactful reports and presentations. In my role, I guided the creation of intuitive and visually striking visualizations, ensuring that complex data was digestible for both technical and non-technical audiences. Our team collectively harnessed Figma's capabilities to craft interactive charts, heat maps, and geographical plots that effectively conveyed accident hotspots, contributing factors, and trends.

Our presentation bore the hallmark of compelling visual storytelling, enriched with intuitive tooltips for each visualization. This added layer of accessibility made the complex data intuitive to comprehend, allowing stakeholders to explore insights with ease. As the group leader, I ensured that each tooltip was thoughtfully designed to offer instant context, enhancing the engagement and understanding of our audience.

In conclusion, the United States Accident Prevention 2021 project exemplified the harmonious collaboration of six skilled Data Analysts under my leadership. By leveraging SQL, Google Spreadsheets, and Figma, we converted raw data into actionable insights that could guide life-saving strategies for the NHTSA. This project showcased my proficiency in both technical leadership and creative visualization, driving home the importance of analytics and collaborative excellence in shaping road safety initiatives.

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