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(Detailed Dashboard Making) Food Story's Detailed Sales Dashboard

Project type



August 2023


Group Leader



In my capacity as the group leader of a skilled team of five dedicated Data Analysts, we embarked on a transformative mission to construct an all-encompassing Food Story's Detailed Sales Dashboard using the powerful capabilities of Power BI. This endeavor was a testament to our analytical prowess, collaborative prowess, and strategic visualization techniques, ultimately culminating in a tool that empowered data-driven decision-making within the food industry.

Our journey kicked off with a structured timeline, aligning our efforts with the logical progression of data analysis. We commenced with data exporting, ensuring that we compiled a comprehensive dataset capturing every facet of Food Story's sales transactions. With meticulous attention to detail, we applied data cleaning and transformation methodologies, utilizing Power BI's features to ensure the accuracy and consistency of our data.

Next in line was the crucial phase of data loading, where we seamlessly integrated our refined dataset into Power BI. As the group leader, I coordinated this process, ensuring a smooth transition from data preparation to visualization. This robust foundation allowed us to build dashboards that were not only visually engaging but also rooted in accurate and reliable data.

Our skilled team divided into focused subgroups, each dedicated to crafting a specific dashboard: Customer Sales, Branch Sales, Menu Sales, and Detailed Sales. This strategic distribution of responsibilities enabled us to capitalize on individual strengths, while also fostering collaborative innovation that enriched our overall project.

Each dashboard was a testament to the synergy of analytics and visualization prowess. The Customer Sales dashboard dissected customer behavior, the Branch Sales dashboard highlighted trends across various locations, the Menu Sales dashboard spotlighted popular items, and the Detailed Sales dashboard offered a comprehensive view of transactions. These dashboards provided stakeholders with a multi-faceted lens through which to analyze sales data.

One of the hallmark features of our dashboards was the integration of tooltips, Insights and Recommendations. These interactive guides amplified user engagement and understanding, offering context-specific information as users interacted with various visual elements. As the group leader, I ensured that these tooltips, Insights and Recommendations were perfectly designed to enhance the overall user experience.

In conclusion, the Food Story's Detailed Sales Dashboard project was a testament to our team's collective expertise under my leadership. Our structured timeline, encompassing data exporting, cleaning, loading, and visualization, ensured a systematic approach. Through Power BI's capabilities, we constructed insightful dashboards, each catering to a unique aspect of sales analysis. With tooltips enhancing user interaction, our collaboration resulted in a powerful tool that empowered stakeholders to make informed decisions in the realm of food industry sales.

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