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(Dashboard Making) Car Marketplace Data and Business Analytics Dashboard

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August 2023




Data Analyst

In a dynamic convergence of data prowess and strategic insight, I embarked on crafting an intricate car marketplace data and business analytics dashboard using the robust capabilities of Power BI. This endeavor aimed to unveil latent patterns and trends within the automotive market, empowering stakeholders with actionable insights for informed decision-making.

The dashboard comprised four meticulously designed slides, each delivering a unique facet of the car market's dynamics. The first slide, "Car's Mileage and Price Relation," unveiled the correlation between a vehicle's mileage and its market price. Leveraging interactive scatter plots and Details Cards, users could discern patterns that underlined the pivotal role of mileage in determining resale values.

The second slide, "Car's Registration Year and Price Relation," delved into the interplay between a car's registration year and its price. Utilizing visually rich Scatter Plots and Details Cards, the dashboard showcased how newer vehicles often commanded higher prices, but also emphasized exceptions where rarity influenced value.

The third slide, "Car's Engine Capacity and Price Relation," spotlighted the relationship between engine capacity and pricing. Through intuitive Scatter Plot, users could explore how engine size impacted prices.

Transitioning to the fourth slide, "Brand's Grouping By Car's Details and Features," the dashboard adopted a holistic approach by clustering brands based on their cars Average Details attributes and features. Utilizing advanced data grouping and interactive filters, this slide offered stakeholders an overview of brand positioning and the distinct value propositions they offered.

Complementing these slides, each was enriched with tooltips that provided instant context and explanation for the presented data points. These tooltips facilitated a deeper understanding, ensuring that users could glean actionable insights even while exploring the dashboard independently.

In conclusion, the car marketplace data and business analytics dashboard was a testament to the power of Power BI in unraveling complex market dynamics. By translating intricate data into visually intuitive representations, this project showcased my ability to harness analytics tools for strategic decision-making. The tooltips added an extra layer of accessibility, ensuring that stakeholders could extract valuable insights effortlessly.

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